We, the anchor

I’ve got this view of Italian indie-pop that filters through the refined lens of a few contacts there. Luckily, those folks have great taste and their social networks bubble up hidden gems contstantly. Most of them also seem to revolve around the galaxy hub that is the We Were Never Being Boring Collective who clearly must be the anchor behind the scene.
This stylish video directed by Enrico Boccioletti (who, not surprisingly, is also part of this music scene with his Death in Plains project). Check out the band’s Wasted Youth 7” EP if you’re diggin’ this track.
[via YVYNYL]

And this is how we spell "conventicola". Grazie a Marck Schoneveld per le belle parole ma stavolta il merito è tutto degli Young Wrists e di Enrico. La canzone è tratta dall'ep in free download Fucked up in the head. Il trio pesarese si conferma una delle migliori promesse dell'indiepop nazionale.
