
Someone said to just keep moving on

I wish I could find something to make me feel a little better

“My means of production don’t produce”

"Only a small part of my head" - intervista a Waving Blue

"Noi che a Milano ci andiamo per la moda e la radio" (marzo 2024)

Première: A Minor Place - "Beautiful Songs"

I drift between two dreams

Indiepop Jukebox (marzo 2024)

I might find my mind’s on nothing

When I was a teenage horse

I'm kind of tired

"See the sun outside, even when it’s covered by clouds"

Dark thoughts

"The world is sick and so am I"

Ma io che ne so di Pitchfork? Un post da 6.4

You know I'd like to disappear

"Sei almeno un po' felice?" - intervista alle Olympia Mare