A volte, anche se sai benissimo che stai leggendo la stessa mail che hanno ricevuto centinaia di altri blog, ti prendi in simpatia la band. Per esempio, le righe che mi hanno mandato questi sciabolati canadesi Chocolate Robots (ma che razza di sito hanno messo in piedi) sembravano fatte apposta per essere messe su così, come un post già pronto, e il suono stasera mi prendeva bene (Strokes + Vampire Weekend? Perché no!), e poi a un video del genere non ho saputo resistere. Pizza per tutti.
Hi Polaroid!
We’re Mike Giresi, Mutt Giresi, and Marco Giresi. We all work at our parent’s pizza shop and play in our band Chocolate Robots. Our record PIZZA FACE just came out!
The album was recorded in Sarnia, Ontario mainly by us, using a bunch of old tube and tape equipment my dad had left over from being an Italian singer songwriter in the 70s.
Initially, the album was mixed locally and it sounded like Michael Bolton, but luckily we ran into the Fab Moretti from the Strokes. We went bowling and after the game he kindly passed our music on to Thom Monahan (Devandra Banhart, Vetiver). Thom started working on the record and the music came together. It sounds better than we ever thought it would! Drunk on confidence we got Mark Lawson (Arcade Fire, Unicorns) to mix 3 songs on the record as well.
We’ve put together a full stream of the album on our bandcamp!
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